How to join the Jew4Real Movement

Do the following 4 things for 40 days (6 days a week for 7 weeks):

1) "Being Real" Prayer: Take at least 1 moment each morning to speak openly, humbly and honestly to Hashem. Click here for an example of what you could say.

2) The Daily Messages: Watch, listen and read the 4 daily inspirational messages from J4R, make a note of at least one thing you hope to be better at and try to put it into practice in your daily life.

3) Sanctity: Take 1 small step forward in the area of sanctity. No one’s perfect, but a Jew 4 Real at least CARES. Here are some examples of what you can try each day:

  • Make an effort to Guard your eyes on the street.
  • Stay away from promiscuous movies, images, reading etc. on the internet and printed material, or set up a new safe-guard (can be a resolution, a filter, etc.)
  • Pray to G-d for help to be saved from the Yetzer Hara and from tests, and to have the strength to overcome the tests He sends our way.
  • Strengthen the self-control muscles (e.g. hold back from that bar of chocolate you know you shouldn’t have, or wait 2 minutes before answering someone back with anger).

4) Help us Keep it REAL: Help the Jew-4-Real movement grow. Here are some suggestions:

  • Pass on to a few people a J4R message that really touched you, or pass a daily email on to some family or friends.
  • Convince someone to join J4R in some way (e.g. by email, whatsapp, FB)
  • Donate or purchase a sponsorship or advertising slot (or convince someone else to).

Honorary Membership and Rewards!

Chart your efforts for 40 days and send your chart in to us at along with a few words about what you feel you gained (we may use your words anonymously to inspire others!). You will then receive these special prizes / honors: 

  • Receive by mail an official Jew4Real membership certificate with your name.
  • A free Jew4Real band, Yalmuka, T-Shirt, USB-Pen or Mug (you choose!).
  • Enter into our annual $100k raffle free of charge.
  • Receive honorary moderator status on our community discussion boards, to be able to better respond and edit posts, and help inspire others!