Jew4Real Archives

SOURCE: The Road Ahead - By Bill Gates
CATEGORY: Faith > Nature Bears Witness
No. 2 - July 22, 2019
The DNA Program
SOURCE: Medrash Rabba
CATEGORY: Torah > Chazal (Our Sages)
No. 2 - July 22, 2019
The Body and the Soul
CATEGORY: Wisdom > Mussar
No. 2 - July 22, 2019
No One is "Pesoles"
SPEAKER: Rabbi David Kaplan
CATEGORY: Sanctity > Struggle
No. 2 - July 22, 2019
Keeping It Under Control
What does the Mitzva of Bris Milah symbolize?
SPEAKER: R' Meyer Yedid
CATEGORY: Faith > Trusting G-d (Bitachon)
No. 1 - July 21, 2019
Trust the General
Would any good general put his troops in a battle they couldn't win?
CATEGORY: Torah > Tanach
No. 1 - July 21, 2019
The Beginning of Knowlege
"Fear of Heaven" means to do Hashem's will even without understanding. And the acceptance that we do...
SPEAKER: Rabbi Berel Wein
CATEGORY: Sanctity > Prevention
No. 1 - July 21, 2019
No One is Immune

SPEAKER: Nissim Black
CATEGORY: Wisdom > Chassidus
No. 1 - July 21, 2019
Lowest to the Highest
What's the main message that Nissim wants to share from his Rebbe, Rabbi Nachman of Breslav?

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