The Jew 4 Real Prayer

Hashem, I know that I’m here today and gone tomorrow. My life is but a fleeting shadow before you.

I know the truth, that I am a slave to my desires, to my character defects and my ego, and that I truly know and understand nothing at all. 

I also know that nothing in this world has any real meaning besides for You and Your Will and Your honor. All else is meaningless.

And I know that if You don’t help me, I can’t do anything at all, let alone serve you with truth. 

Please Father, help me feel your greatness more, so I can live my life more for You

Save me from falsehood in my heart, from my selfish desires and my ego, so that these things should not stand between us.  

Please use me for your honor and as a conduit for Your will in this world, to serve you with truth and have a pure and humble heart. 

And please help me to truly mean  these words I speak now with truth, more and more each day.